One of the oldest manufacturers of printer, Hp is trusted by its customer for its high quality printer and ink cartridges. Ink cartridges offer by Hp is treated as one of the best cartridges available in the market. The reason behind its success is the technology they incorporate in the manufacturing process, which assures the clients with performance oriented ink cartridges. In most of the ink cartridges offered by Hp, print head is also included with the ink. In most of the case print head is the part of the printer, which is used to sprays the ink on to the paper. With the extensive use of the printer, the quality of the print head starts getting deteriorate and the printing quality also decline. To overcome this problem, Hp has put the print head on the cartridges itself. In this case the print quality remains same over the period of times, because each time when the cartridges are changed, print head also get change.