Inkjet cartridges use wet ink that dries out if left unused for long period of time or being stored for many days or months. When using run out cartridges the ink may be wet in some places but dry in others, leading to printing problems. In spite of this, many expired cartridges still perform well, and you can find reasonably priced expired cartridges at online resellers that might assist you to save lots of money on printer ink supplies.
Many manufacturers include a warranty date with their ink cartridges. This means that they will not guarantee that their ink will endure long beyond that date. However, it is significant not to confuse the specific warranty date with the expiration date of the product. Generally, the expiration date is between one to two years after the established warranty date. In many cases, the printer owner will receive an expiration message appeared on their printer 18 to 30 months after they install a new ink cartridge.
To run your printer smartly or use your cartridge wisely, you must learn to use ink cartridges properly because it could save you hundreds of dollars every year, particularly if you print on frequently. One of the best ways to store ink cartridges is to put them in an air-tight plastic bag with a wet towel, sponge, or cloth inside and then put them in a dark place. This way it will keep the ink relatively wet and prevent it from deteriorating further. Moreover, this will also help you to keep your cartridges live longer if you buy expired ones in bulk.