Effective Ways to Restore Dry Print Heads on Old Cartridges

When it comes to printer issues, there are few things that are actually frustrating as wishing to get a clearly-printed document and ending up with dissatisfaction- a document or image that looks horrible because of inkjet blots all over it. When you notice that the print quality of your documents has failed or decreased considerably or if you are bringing an old inkjet out of retreat, you need to consider some important steps. You can begin with cleaning the print head to ensure that you get the best out of your printing device.

The initial step is actually to know where the print head is and what it does. As you print a document or print an image, ink droplets leave the ink cartridge through the nozzle of the cartridge and go to the print head. Consequently, print head lays the ink on a specific point on the printing surface. As you print, small droplets of ink cling around the opening of print head.  If these drops dried up over time, they can form a crust around the print head opening and eventually cause it to produce poor printing results.

If you have a removable print head, you can simply remove the ink cartridge from the print head and remove it out of your printer. Put some alcohol or hot water into a bowl and set the printer head right inside the water or solution. Let it soak for at least an hour and if it is really dirty, it is good to keep it soaking overnight. When it is air dry, reinstall it in your computer, and then run a cleaning cycle. This way you can get rid of any dried ink that was left out during the soaking.

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