Refilling the first time? If so, then you must know how to properly deal with the refill kit. First of all, make sure that you do not let your cartridge dry out. Generally, people refilling for the first time often face with the problem of dried out cartridge. The cartridges if left empty for more than an hour will have the ink inside the cartridge will dried up and clog at the outlet of the print heads. When refilled, your cartridge may produce an inferior print quality such as streaks or dull output. If your cartridge has been empty for some days and not properly stored, it is recommended that you throw the cartridge away and get a new one along with a refill kit so you can refill it as soon as it gets empty. Another way you can do is to place your empty cartridge into a zip lock bag with a moist cloth (not wet) to keep the cartridge damp until you can refill it.
How Should I Care for and Store My Cartridge Properly when Not in Use?

Are Non-OEM Refills or Toner Cartridges as Good as OEM’s?

Many people think that third party or non-OEM refilled and remanufactured Inkjet Cartridges aren’t as good as original brand-name cartridges. There is no denying the fact that in some cases this might be true as recycled cartridges do not live up to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) counterparts. However, it is to some extent depends on your choice; if you choose a reputable and trusted third-party ink supplier your inkjet and laser toner cartridges should work wonder and produce high quality prints.
Toner Cartridges Suffer to Clumping with Non-Use

Many people often wonder the fact that why the ink in their printer ink cartridge evaporates. When the printer is left unused, the printer ink evaporates. Actually, the ink used in the printing machine is formulated in a way so that it can dry quickly. This is done to make sure when prints are taken, the output is flawless with no smudges on the paper. And, the soluble constituent of the ink does evaporate. It is common fact that all liquid substances evaporate. Some evaporates faster than the others. So, if the printer is left unused or idle for longer periods of time, there are certainly greater chances of the ink getting evaporated with time.
Effective Ways to Restore Dry Print Heads on Old Cartridges

When it comes to printer issues, there are few things that are actually frustrating as wishing to get a clearly-printed document and ending up with dissatisfaction- a document or image that looks horrible because of inkjet blots all over it. When you notice that the print quality of your documents has failed or decreased considerably or if you are bringing an old inkjet out of retreat, you need to consider some important steps. You can begin with cleaning the print head to ensure that you get the best out of your printing device.
How Often can an Inkjet Cartridge be Refilled?

Refilling cartridges is a sensible and the most economical way of avoiding the unnecessary and excessive costs of investment on new printer cartridges. Unfortunately, refilling is not ever-lasting and it cannot make your cartridge last forever. Inevitably circuits or nozzles will wear down, leaving some Inkjet cartridges inoperable. But if you refill your cartridge only 3 to 4 times, you will still save a burden on printing cost. The average lifespan of an inkjet cartridge is around 5 to 7 refills. Some customers can go up to as many as twenty refills of one cartridge and as few as two. Generally, there are many components within the ink cartridge, and any of these microscopic parts can destroy, crack or break off at any given time.
Best Printer Guide- From Personal Printing to Small Business Printing Needs

Choosing the right printer type can be a daunting task. Generally, there are a range of different types of printing technology to choose from, each meant for different needs and purposes. Printers come in diverse shapes and sizes, ranging from tiny travel companions to workgroup workhorses; some are equipped with special features for photography, others are for multitaskers. There are many specifications for resolution, page yield and speed and they can be misleading. As a rule of thumb, the inkjet printers are the most preferred for long-lasting photos and clear precision, while laser printers are best to produce faster text documents.
Canon Edible Inks Offer Great Refilling Options for Cake Printing

Edible ink is a burning trend right now. This is extensively used by bakeries, cake decorators and home bakers and enthusiasts as an exciting means to personalize cake, pastries or fondants for party or any special occasion. These cartridges are easily refillable with premium quality edible ink refill inks, and consist of an auto re-set smart chips to ensure that your printer prints as before after every refill. The fact is that these exclusive edible inks are FDA compliant and work wonders on edible paper or Frosting Sheets.
Konica Minolta Introduces New Print Head that Delivers 1picolitre Drops

Konica Minolta has successfully developed a highly advanced and high-accuracy inkjet head capable of 1-picoliter drop size, for the first time for printed electronics applications. This new print head make uses of the company’s proprietary MEMS technologies, and is planned to go on sale in sample quantities by the coming days. The new print head is resistant to various inks necessary for industrial applications and suitable to use with less thickness inks. It can also be used for all sorts of applications, ranging from OLED display patterning and OLED lighting thin air coating.
Overfilling Your Cartridge with Ink or Toner May End Up Spoiling Them

In order to save money on the overall printing cost or the cost of Toner Cartridges, many consumers have switch to third-party companies that refill the cartridges. Also, some people refill cartridges with toner powder themselves.
PageScope Mobile App. Updates Help Establish Secure Printing

The PageScope Mobile Application will change your style of work in no time at all. With this technologically advanced Application, Konica Minolta multifunctional can be conveniently connected to Apple’s iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Fundamentally offering two most important functions, such as printing and scanning, the PageScope Mobile Application enables you browse, manage prints of your documents, emails and photos. Similarly, you can load data scanned via an advanced bizhub system. With this system your work will soon be benefited from enhanced mobility and an outstanding overall productivity increase.
Know How Your Printer Cartridges Can Live Forever

We all know that ink cartridges do not come economically. This is one of the major concerns for most of the printer users. So, when it comes to purchasing ink for your device, you give your first look at how much the Ink Cartridges are going to cost! It is a good thing that you can now purchase Remanufactured Cartridges, or use old empty cartridges that have been refilled for reuse. These cartridges deliver similar performance that will be equally effective in producing quality prints and will have a much lower cost. Even then, you need to make sure that you think about your ink cartridges to the point where you can maximize its lifespan.
Refill the cartridges Yourself and Help Save the Environment

Landfills receive million tons of printer ink and toner cartridges every year. These are thrown away by people who actually do not know that they can be brought back to work by recycling or refilling instead of discarding them in landfills. Refilling the printer cartridge significantly reduces the volume of cartridges diverted to landfills. These cartridges are big environmental threat posing great health hazards as they release toxic substances that can contaminate soil, water, and air. Environmental contamination can continue for longer years since printer units are non-biodegradable which means they do not get easily decomposed like organic matter.