Non -Impact Printing with Ink Jet Cartridges

NIP technology or printing without plates is a leading method of printing in today’s industry. This could only be possible with ink jet cartridges. With the advent of portable printers and other low cost printing accessories printing today is possible for everyone as a personal affair. Inkjet cartridges have made it more smooth and easy.

In non impact printing, printer ejects an ink emission with the help of an electrical pulse in form of drops or droplets. The ink used is same as the inks used for other purposes. Inkjet cartridges are specially manufactured in order to give speed and accuracy to your printer. When a small particle of ink passes through the nozzle, having very low viscosity it produces fabulous prints. While looking for inkjet cartridges, people are often more conscious about prices. Atlanticinkjet is a reliable online platform to buy ink cartridges for all the major printer brands, OEM as well as remanufactured or recycled.

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