Celebrating Art through Epson’s #ThisIsMyTruthCampaign

Today’s digital world, where many people replaced galleries with Instagram, cinema with Netflix, and festivals with Facebook, Epson is helping artistic and professional photographers share and celebrate their power of truth through printed images. One of these artists and professionals is the American abstract photographer, Nathaniel “Nat” Coalson. He is also the Associate of the Society of Royal Photography. He will exhibit his art using the Epson 44” printer at the 5th year Annual Art Fair of Oxford International on the 23rd to 25th of February 2018.

For Nat, the difference between a printed image and an image on a screen is just the same as the difference between reality and fiction. He said that today’s high resolution and digital photography encourages incredible customization and creativity that is meaningful and important for both the art buyer and the artist, but if such image is on screen, it is only pixels and bits.

Nat Coalson also believes that the Epson brand embodies a form of art. He said that Epson was the first printing company that demonstrated its commitment to professional photography and fine art by making their inkjet printing at its highest level with the help of its Epson Inkjet Cartridges. These Epson Inkjet Cartridges and their inkjet printing will surely give life to the art of your images.

Epson is giving the spotlight to their professional photographer ambassadors as part of their #ThisIsMyTruth campaign. This campaign is all about the ambassadors, sharing their stories of how they have a total control over their images’ integrity and on how they ensure that such photos convey the moment, the subject, the story, the location, and most importantly their desire to express and communicate the truth.


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